how to write test cases for credit card payment
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Answer / felix
Test cases
Step1 Verify the credit card type
Step2 Verify the name on card
step3 verify the card number is valid
Step4 Verify the expiring date is valid
Step5 verify the start date if applicable
step6 verify the card issue number is valid if applicable
step7 verify the card security code is valid
step8 verify the card holder address match the credit card details.
step9 verify invalid credit card number should be declined
step10 verify if credit card have insufficient fund payment should not be authorised.
step11 verify if all credit card details are correct payment should be authorised.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 51 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / sri
Test cases for Credit Card Payment
Step 1. Verify the credit card
step 2. Verify that is real or fake
step 3. Verify the type of credit card whether it is visa or
Master card etc.,
step 4. Verify the Name, address, city and full details of the information of the credit card.
step 5. Verify the credit card and check no number
step 6. Verify the card and check the expiry date
step 7. Verify the card how and check the customer information whether the card holder how much money they are with drawing from the bank.
step 8. Verify the card how many times per day he/she can take the money from the bank
step 9. Verify the card how many times he is depositing the money.
step 10. verify the card if any changes goes wrong and inform the developer to check the code for correct purpose
Is This Answer Correct ? | 19 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / bhanu
1. verify the card type.
2. verify weather card is valid card or not.
3. Verify crediit card details in the database.
4. verify the credit limit.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 13 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / raja
1.check is all payment card details all filled or not.
2.check is card details are valid or not.
3.check is those cases are handled when user account is unable to make payment.
4.check is those cases are handled when user terminate the payment in mid of processing .
5.Check is payment of given amount is taking place or not.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / vishnu
heck for the Account Holders Name on the Credit Card
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / sridhar
1.check the credit card details in data base.
2.check the credit limit.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 12 No |
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