Hcl Placement Paper - May 2006 Chennai
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Answer / deshpande
I got selected into HCL Tech Chennai.Test is on 29-05-2006.
Hcl Placement Papers | Hcl Interview Procedure |
Hcl Aptitude Questions | Hcl Technical Questions
|Hcl Interview Questions.
The written test of only two sections Aptitude(35) and Technical(20). The
Aptitude part had Data sufficiency, some puzzles, passages and very few
question on aptitude and tough.
Technical part was easy with questions covering on all topics like C
(programs on pointers), C++, OS, Software Engineering, Computer
There were negative markings, +1 for every correct answer, -1 for
incorrect and 0 for unanswered one with 1 hr and 30 min time. There was
also section cut-off.
Hcl Placement Papers | Hcl Interview Procedure |
Hcl Aptitude Questions | Hcl Technical Questions
|Hcl Interview Questions.
Technical Questions
1. Language extension is
1. Pre-processor
2. complier
2. what is thrashing ?
3. what type of testing is testing the function interface.
4. Const *ptr, *const prt difference?
5. number of links need to connect all nodes in mesh network.
6. black patching is done in which phase?
7. 1 question on C using malloc()
8. number of * that will be printed for the call fun(5)
fun(int a)
If( a > 1)
Hcl Placement Papers | Hcl Interview Procedure |
Hcl Aptitude Questions | Hcl Technical Questions
|Hcl Interview Questions.
Aptitude questions
1. 1 Arrangement problem dealing with position of 6 people standing in
front of an ATM.
1. Who is standing at first in the queue?
2. Who stands at the 4th position in the queue?
There are 4 people who take single job and play 2 games. Rules were given
for assigning the jobs and games to them.
1.Who is the accountant?
2.who does not swim and 2 more question like that
3.problem in data sufficiency. A table for the cricket tournament was
given with some attributes left. Rules were given on how to fill the
table, after filling the table we have to answer the question
1.Did srilanka played against bangladesh?
2.what is India highest score in an innings?
And 4 more questions
4.The given is the interger series. Where a1=1,a2=2 and amn=anam
find a3, a5,a1800.
5. Dravid scored 1/3 total score for India in a match. Sachin scored 80%
of the runs excluding dravid and others. While other batsmen managed to
take 32 in total. Whats is the score of dravid?
6.Ramu and Raja can finish a project 'X' in 3 and 4 days. Ramu and Somu
can finish the project 'Y' in 4 and 5 Day. They can all do the project 'Z'
in 12 days.
1. What is the number of days taken by ramu to finish project Z all alone?
And similar questions.
Hcl Placement Papers | Hcl Interview Procedure |
Hcl Aptitude Questions | Hcl Technical Questions
|Hcl Interview Questions.
The results came after 1 hour and the selected students were asked to
come for the GD. Gd topics are "Cubical egg", "why HCL should not select
The interview was very easy and all the question where only from the
resume. first technical interview and then the HR interview. In Tech
interview most of the questions from java & J2ME, coz of my project.
There were also question from Linux, SDLC, C++ and DFD.
Hcl Placement Papers | Hcl Interview Procedure |
Hcl Aptitude Questions | Hcl Technical Questions
|Hcl Interview Questions.
The HR interview was really cool. simple questions like this
Are you willing to relocate?
Why HCL should not select you?
given two problems and asked to solve.
Divide a square into five equal parts?
Hcl Placement Papers | Hcl Interview Procedure |
Hcl Aptitude Questions | Hcl Technical Questions
|Hcl Interview Questions.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 17 Yes | 2 No |
ICICI Placement Paper - 2006
X.25 protocol encapsulates the follwing layers
Couls anyone please tell me the kind of questions which will be asked for ONGC Programming discipline.No idea about the programming questions.Which programming language will be asked...please do send a previous placement paper for programming as well
INFOSYS PLACEMENT PAPERS ----- Placement Paper 7
SNAPDEAL QUESTIONS 1. A train is going at a speed of 60kmph towards Delhi and returned back at a speed of 30kmph. What is its average speed? ANS : (2*30*60)/(30+60) = 40kmph 2. How many different 4 letter words can be framed that have at least one vowel? ANS : 264 - 214 (total no of 4 digits words – no of words with no vowels) 3. Write an algorithm to find out a number from an array of numbers where only one number occurs once and rest all occurs twice. ANS : XOR all the numbers ,you will get the number with single occurrences . 4. Which among the following have the product of the distance between opposite sides of a regular polygon and it side equals one fourth of the area. A. hexagon B. octagon C. n=16 D. n=18 ANS : n=16.(area of regular polygon = apothem*perimeter/2 Apothem = distance between opposite sides/2 Area = (opp_side_dist * n * a )/4 Product of opp_side_dist and side of reg. polygon = opp_side_dist * a For n= 16 the ration becomes 1:4 5. Which of the following cannot be a relation between two variables? ANS = 4th diagram. 6.what will be the output of this program Void print (int n) { If (n>0) { printf(“hello”); print(n-1); } printf(“world”); } ANS : N times hello followed by N+1 times world. 7. Which among the following cannot be used for future prediction? ANS : 4th Diagram. 8. There are 25 horses. We have to find out the fastest 3 horses In one race maximum 5 horses can run. How many such races are required in minimum to get the result. ANS : 7 races (A. first run all horses = 5 races, eliminate 4th 5th of all races. B. Run horses who came 1st in those 5 races = 1 race , the horse coming first is the fastest Run horses a. 2nd and 3rd with the fastest horse (in first time race A) b. 2nd and 3rd coming horse in B. c. The horse who came 2nd with the horse(who came 2nd in race B) in race A You will have the fastest 3 horses.) 9. In a game of rolling dice you are given 2 dice and you have to roll them. Whatever is the outcome the player will win that many dollars. What should the game owner charge each player (optimum) so that he doesn’t have to bear any loss? ANS : $7 10. We have a function REV(“string”,m,n).This function is capable of reversing the caharacters in the string from mth location to nth location. e.g. REV(“abcd”,2,3)  the output will be acbd We need to swap a string from a position,e.g. SWAP(“abcdefg”,4)  output needs to be efgabcd. How can the REV function used do this. ANS : L = string length,N= position given in SWAP function. SWAP(“abcdefg”,4) = REV(REV(REV(“abcdefg”,N+1,L),1,N),1,L).
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