How to do entry for Income Tax Refund ?
can a company/firm give more than 20000 rs in cash in a day to his employee as an advance for day to day exp ( not for purchase a capital asset )
Correct Journal Entry of PF & ESI
When the C-Form should be issued, Whether it is from the date of Invoice OR from the date of material received (Goods Receipt Date)
What is means by ESI ? How to calculate ESI ? ESI challan or form No. ?
7 Answers Buzzworks Business Services, Reliable Hitech Infrastructure Private Limited,
how to make monthly salary sheets.
What is the depriciation charged on animals such as elephants,dogs etc?
how to calculate cst? is it adjust with input cst and output cst? give an example.
6 Answers Suven Life Sciences, Vikas,
How tax deduction at source is deducted
What is Tax Refunds ?
Tax Audit is compulsory to whom?
what is diffrant betwwen exice duty & sale tax
we can cash slase above 20000? and if party pay the above 20000 we can give the recipt.