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Answer / pradnya

HI IBM came here at Hyderabad on 22th June 06. I was one among the
selected students. Selection process consisted of a written test, a
technical interview and an HR interview.

Written Test was of 4 sections consisting of 55 questions in 1 hr.
No negative marking.

Section 1(Verbal Ability):
Consisted of 10 questions.
5 questions were fill in the blanks. They were mainly based on
prepositions and use of articles.

1) He was out of work ______ six months before he found a new job.

2)The Chairperson usually presides _____ the meeting. (at/over/during/on).

3) The credibility of the game has been destroyed by the match-fixing
scandals in cricket.(choose the word nearest in meaning).
4)They cost $10 _____ kilo(the/a/an).

5)Black Monday was ____ most dramatic in a huge list of horrible days

Next Reading Passage was given and 5 questions were given based on the

Section 2(Analytical Ability):

Consisted of 25 questions. Duration:30 min.

On a particular day, students who visited a canteen ordered either a
burger, a pastry or a sandwich. 19 students had a burger, 25 had a pastry,
and 27 had a sandwich. 7 students had a burger and a pastry but not a
sandwich, 9 had a pastry and sandwich but not a burger, 5 had a burger and
sandwich but not a pastry. 3 students had a burger, a pastry and a
How many students had only a burger?
How many students had only a pastry?
How many students had only a sandwich?

Introducing a man, a woman said, "He is the only son of my mother's
mother". How is the woman related to the man? (ans: Niece).

Some were on data sufficiency. They were also quite easy ones

Some questions were on time and work. For this refer R.S.Agarwal

Some questions were on the following pattern:
In a binary system 1 is written as $ and 0 is written as *. In this system
as 1 moves to the left the value of the number doubles itself.

Section 3

questions were: If + is replaced by *, - is replaced by /, * is replaced
by +, / is replaced by * then calculate 2/65*3+65-23 and so on.

some questions were based as:
There were conditions given as to how a marketing executive would be
selected and in the following questions individuals with their
qualifications were given. Based on the previous conditions given, u have
to decide whether each one can qualify or not.

Section 4(Technical):

10 ques
Sum questions on C,database, unix etc.

A directed graph is also called _______.
In a queue the end at which insertions are performed is called the ____
end and the end from where deletions are done is called the ______ end.
The operator used to get value at address stored in a pointer variable
char a[]="have a nice day!" ; then p+=7 points to ____
question about normalization.
what permission would Chmod 755 yield on a file ?
The state of the file system is contained in a ____ block.
Remaining questions I don't remember.

Technical Interview:

Questions based on C, Database, Unix, DS, CN

what is trigger in DBMS.

what happens when we open a file in r+ mode like whether file will be
created if it is not there can we write to file?

which topology takes minimum wiring options: star,bus,ring and complete etc
what is your favourite subject.
I choosed JAVA.

Oops concepts. several questions about oops concept.

HR Interview:

Which websites do you browse frequently and why?

What is your latest movie? They ask us to give the gist of the story? What
did you like in the movie?

Questions on your strengths.

How could you add value to IBM if you got this job?

What do you know about IBM?

Why would you want to join IBM?

How do you feel if I reject you?

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Answer / kanth

1 for
2 over
4 a
5 the

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