How would you stop a class from class from being derived or
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Answer / satya
By Declaring the Class as 'Sealed' in C# or
as "NotInheritable" in VB.NET
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Answer / deepak joshi
Guys what happened to you all???? Will 'Final' not do????
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Answer / stavanm
By Creating class as a final
final class A{
// code
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#define DO_NOT_DERIVE(T) \
class NoDerive_##T { \
friend class T;
NoDerive_##T() {}
NoDerive_##T(const NoDerive_##T&) {} \
#define stopderiving(T) private virtual NoDerive_##T
when we derive from any class, the constructor needs to be
called, since here constructor of NoDerive calss is
private, it cannot be derived. And friendship cannot be
class finalclass : stopderiving (finalclass)
the other possible solution for this is making the default
constructor private.
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Answer / bala
Final will do in Java. But not in C++.
I hope, bye creating all the constructor,copy constructor
in private will stop inherite the class.
Plz refer 'Singleton Pattern'
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / selvam
but onething.If you make constructor as private you will
not be able to create an object of that class.
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Answer / montylee
Here's the correct answer:
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Answer / anant tiwari
There are three way to stop a class been derived (example in C#)
1) declare a class as static (Ex : static class Sample {....}
2) declare the class constructor as private (Ex class Sample{ private Sample(){}....}
3) declare a class as sealed class Ex : sealed class Sample {...}
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