A cube is divided into 125 pieces.. then four
columns are removed then
coloured all side black..
i) how many 0 side painted cubes?
ii) how many 1 side painted cubes?
iii) how many 2 side painted cubes?
iV) how many 3 side painted cubes?
V) how many 4 side painted cubes?

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A cube is divided into 125 pieces.. then four columns are removed then coloured all side black.. ..

Answer / santosh k

If a cube is divided into 125 pieces then u can imagine it
as cut into 5 slices horizontally and vertically resulting
in 5x(5x5) pieces. Now if 4 columns are removed than:

5x(5x5) - 4x(5x5) = 5x5 = 25 pieces i.e 1 column.
Something like:
___ ___ ___ ___ ___

The corner 4 cubes are painted 4 sides.
Middle 3 cubes are painted 3 side i.e 3x4 = 12 cubes
Middle 3 rows excluding sides are painted 2 side = 3x3 = 9 cubes


0 side -> 0 cubes
1 side -> 0 cubes
2 side -> 9 cubes
3 side -> 12 cubes
4 side -> 4 cubes

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 2 No

A cube is divided into 125 pieces.. then four columns are removed then coloured all side black.. ..

Answer / ravinder

i) how many 0 side painted cubes? = 0
ii) how many 1 side painted cubes? = 0
iii) how many 2 side painted cubes? = 9
iV) how many 3 side painted cubes? = 12
V) how many 4 side painted cubes? =4

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 3 No

A cube is divided into 125 pieces.. then four columns are removed then coloured all side black.. ..

Answer / pavithra

1. 27

can anyone explain in detail... i

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A cube is divided into 125 pieces.. then four columns are removed then coloured all side black.. ..

Answer / jitendra

o side painted cube =9
1 side painted cube=54
2 side painted cube=36
3 side painted cube=8

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 2 No

A cube is divided into 125 pieces.. then four columns are removed then coloured all side black.. ..

Answer / siva

i) how many 4 side painted cubes? = 5
ii) how many 3 side painted cubes? = 8
iii) how many 2 side painted cubes? = 20
iV) how many 1 side painted cubes? = 42
V) how many 0 side painted cubes? =30

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A cube is divided into 125 pieces.. then four columns are removed then coloured all side black.. ..

Answer / rajkumar.u

there are only 25 cubes remaining.so
i) how many 4 side painted cubes? =0
ii) how many 3 side painted cubes? = 18
iii) how many 2 side painted cubes? = 7
iV) how many 1 side painted cubes? = 0
V) how many 0 side painted cubes? =0

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

A cube is divided into 125 pieces.. then four columns are removed then coloured all side black.. ..

Answer / prak

There are only 25 pieces ramaining when you delete 4 columns

i) how many 0 side painted cubes? = 0
ii) how many 1 side painted cubes? = 9
iii) how many 2 side painted cubes? = 12
iV) how many 3 side painted cubes? = 4
V) how many 4 side painted cubes? =0

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 6 No

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