what is operating ratio in railway
How many such pairs of digits are there in the word " strive" each of which has as many letters between them in the word as they are in english alphabets?
why use in tandulam capcitor in most of circuit
difference between connection oriented and connectionless
what is a bleeder resistor?
numerical on total power transmission in AM
I have applied for the post of Assistant Instrumentation Engneer in IOCL and need urgently IOCL sample paper please help me.
Explin E1 T1.
I am doing Bsc in computer science from Atmaram (DU) and want to do Btech from IGNOU or IETE.Is this legal to do both bachelor degree simultaneously or not & frm whr its possible
what is antenna?
types of site earthing
what is caskading in networking.and how it implement ?
i done m.e communication system degree. i like to study new degree. which course is to choose. i selected m.sc applied psychology, m.sc e&i. is this suitable for me or say some suggestion to do some course.