How will you debug your procedure? If your procedure is
around 2000 lines and the expected output is 10 and we get
only output 5.So how will you debug it?
Somebody pls give the correct answer?

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How will you debug your procedure? If your procedure is around 2000 lines and the expected output i..

Answer / ravi

You can debug your procedure in various ways:
1: If you are using tools like Toad, PL/SQL or SQL Developer, you can place the breakpoints in the procedure and then debug the same by using step into steps.
2: If you are using SQ*Plus, you need to place DBMS_OUTPUT for messaging and trace the same.
3: You can put the trace log on in the database server and can check the trace files.

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How will you debug your procedure? If your procedure is around 2000 lines and the expected output i..

Answer / arthi

use the following code to debug the huge line of code

(dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace||' : '||sqlerrm);

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