Explain what is CBCT.
how to commissioning the genset with amf panel?
Type of cable insulation?
from 33kv to 440v 2mva transformer how much full load current will be at ht side and lt side and which range of ctpt will be used?
The reason why the sending end and receiving end voltage sare almost equal when capacitive load is added.
In any plant or substation main incommer voltage RY - 415 V,YB - 400 V, BR - 387 V(in commer feed from transformer 11 Kv /0.415 KV) why found voltage differance in each phase? plant have not self power plant it is depend on outsource grid
what is mean by harmonics
When do you use a VFD motor?
how a synchronous motor is used as a resistor,capacitor and an inductor?
Why Transformer does not work in DC ?
can you any one give exact mathematical relation between AC current and DC current?
how to find out this one mcb r mccb?
i need to connect fact device(any one from following upsc,sssc,svc,statcom and tcsc)in 14 bus system....by using MATLAB psat software....if i connect these fact devices,i will get some error as "virtual error"...i cnt rectify this error.if anybody know that how to work in psat,pls help me to rectify this error.... or send mail me to, viki0607@yahoo.co.in