2Create a program that accepts a number and output its
equivalent in words (maximum input number is 3000). for example
Enter a number: 1380
one thousand three hundred eighty
if you reconsilation is doing at end of the month 31 march. you have question for one amount on 30th march which is the banker said that we do not know about the 30th march entry, the amount deposit and expenses. please come after one week. but u need to complete reconcilation end of march. so, what will you do know?
Telephone expenses 4000 Show entry in expenses not payment entry
what is the golden rules of accounting?
8 Answers Chartered Accountant,
what is Exposure ?
What is the title of Central Excise Return?
What is operating profit ? how is it different from Gross profit ?
what is debit note received entry ?
what is Bills Receivables and Bills Payables?
44 Answers Accenture, Banking, College School Exams Tests, Excel, Finance, Ford, Genpact, HCL, HR Capital Services, IBM, ICICI, MNC, Wipro,
Expand ------HMDA
This question mainly related to pay rolls in excel could i get the formulae for this an employee is working 8 hours in the company the excess of eight hours will be treated as o.t