"OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS MODEL" means what and what are the
topics comes under these
sir, I completed B.E in Electronics and Communication Engineering and ME in Embedded System Technologies. I want to work as a lecture in Government Polytechnic College. Please give the model or previous year question paper.
Explain what is a differential amplifier?
Please Tell Me Mobile to Mobile Call Flow in GSM pls Help me out .
"you r graduated as ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNCATION ENGINEER, then y u r looking for a job in IT side"?
5 Answers Ewak, HCL, NTT Data,
how to convert T-flipflop into D-flipflop?
Draw the symbol of jfet and mosfet.
what is the difference between tcp and udp
Which of the following amplifier compensates for drift? A Low gain amplifier B High gain amplifier C DC amplifier D Differential amplifier
how does a matched filter give maximum snr at the output
What are the advantages of freewheeling diode in rectifier circuit?
what is transmission ?how transmission is done in nokia 3G?
why -48 voltage is given to bts?