How get current date in SQL server 2000
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Describe the left outer join & right outer join. : sql server database administration
How to create a view and a stored procedure in ms sql server using "create view/procedure" statements?
What is the difference between DATETIME2 and DATETIME?
What is de-normalization in sql database administration? Give examples?
What are the authentication modes in sql server? How can it be changed?
what is the sql equivaent of the dataset relation object ?
what is package configuration variable?How to change file name in folder dynamically?Plz help me
Which event (check constraints, foreign key, rule, trigger, primary key check) will be performed last for an integrity check?
Can a stored procedure call itself or recursive stored procedure? How much level sp nesting is possible?
Explain what are the basic functions for master, msdb, model, tempdb databases?
How to find the last update record in SQL Server?
What are the differences between sql server and mysql.