How can u get the number of pupils connecting the database?
What is a job?
What are constraints? Explain different types of constraints?
26 Answers Emsang, Kendriya Vidyalaya(Kvs), Polaris, Wipro,
What are .mdf files?
Explain the relational database management system (rdbms)?
How many files can a database contain in sql server?how many types of data files exists in sql server? How many of those files can exist for a single database?
Tell me about joins in database system and explain each in detail.
0 Answers Axtria, ITC Indian Tobacco Company,
What is trace flag in sql server?
How many types of database relationship in sql server?
Following are some of the question related to below mentioned query? select e1.salary from employee3 e1 where 2= ( select count(distinct(e2.salary)) from employee3 e2 where e2.salary>=e1.salary ) 1) What the query returns? 2) How it works? - Detail explanation (what the sub query does, why it is (where 2=)....etc...Please?
How can you check the version of sql server?
How to count the number of duplicate items in a table?
What are the requirements on sql server network connections?