I have nortan antivirus but some of the virus it can't
delete. how will i remove that virus without formating the
system ?please help .

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I have nortan antivirus but some of the virus it can't delete. how will i remove that virus wi..

Answer / shankar

Hi Boss,

Please try the below mentioned steps to clean the virus from
your system.

1, Is machine up-to-date?
2, Switch off System Restore if not yet enforced or done
3, Have machine rebooted (sometimes a final clean is
performed on reboot)
4, Do a full scan
5, Reboot again
6, If USB storage device involved they should be scanned as
well, preferable formatted (no quick format but full format)
7, Have user report back
8 If machine has clean errors, the machine should be taken
off the network
9,Reinstallation is advised when cleaning fails.

Shankar (Security specialist) 9884444892

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I have nortan antivirus but some of the virus it can't delete. how will i remove that virus wi..

Answer / veli

1st solution: open your pc in secure mode then find the
"bad" file and delete it.
2nd: install Ubuntu to your PC. you can easily find the
virus and delete it.
3rd: create new empty winrar file. double click on it. then
explore and find the virus then delete it
4th: change your antivirus. (to Kaspersky or NOD32 etc.)

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

I have nortan antivirus but some of the virus it can't delete. how will i remove that virus wi..

Answer / rajeev

just install the anti virus software

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