What is a look up function? What is default transformation
for the look up function?

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What is a look up function? What is default transformation for the look up function?..

Answer / sri

Lookup is a transformation in Informatica which is mainly
used for obtaining the "Key" values from the dimensions.
Lookup can be connected or unconnected. If it is
unconnected then it can be used as a function but it can
return only one value.
Where as connected lookup return more than one value.
Lookup contains:
1. <Input Column/Value>
2. <Output Column(s)>
3. <Condition>

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What is a look up function? What is default transformation for the look up function?..

Answer / guest

look up compares the source to target.it update and insert
the new rows to the target.

the default transformation for look up is source qualifier

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