What are the new features in Informatica 5.0?
Answer / swetha
you can Debug U'r maping in maping designer
yoU can view the work space over the entire screen
The designer displays a new icon for a invalid mapings in
the navigator window
yoU can use a dynamic lookup cache in a lokup transformation
Create maping parameters or maping variables in a maping or
maplet to make mapings more flexible
yoU can export objects into repository and import objects
from repository.when u export a repository object, the
designer or server manager creates an XML file to describe
the repository metadata.
The designer allows u to use Router transformation to test
data for multiple conditions. Router transformation allows u
route groups of data to transformation or target.
yoU can use XML data as a source or target.
Server Enahancements:
yoU can use the command line program pmcmd to specify a
parameter file to run sessions or batches. This allows you
to change the values of session parameters, and mapping
parameters and variables at runtime.
If you run the Informatica Server on a symmetric
multi-processing system, you can use multiple CPUs to
process a session concurrently. You configure partitions in
the session properties based on source qualifiers. The
Informatica Server reads, transforms, and writes partitions
of data in parallel for a single session. This is avialable
for Power center only.
Informatica server creates two processes like loadmanager
process,DTM process to run the sessions.
Metadata Reporter: It is a web based application which is
used to run reports againist repository metadata.
yoU can copy the session across the folders and reposotories
using the copy session wizard in the informatica server manager
With new email variables, you can configure post-session
email to include information, such as the mapping used
during the session.
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