You're in the execution phase and after executing many test're not able to find any defect..not even a single
defect. What will you do?

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You're in the execution phase and after executing many test're not able to fi..

Answer / nitin sharma

IF we executed many test cases but not find any bug then
frankly speaking there might be problem in testing,A tester
should have test to break attitude,if you are not able to
found any defect then do some negative testing also for
eg:-if testing web application then check
UI,GUI,compatibility with different browsers like fire
fox,google chrome,different version of IE,check it with
different OS WIn7,8,Viesta.

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You're in the execution phase and after executing many test're not able to fi..

Answer / nitin sharma

@Nick If this question was asked by a interviewer ,then he
was digging your knowledge that what will you do if this
situation comes ,then as per my knowledge ,If we do not
found defects after executing many test cases of particular
module then it is sure that application do not have any
critical or major defects but as we are tester and we have
to find more and more bugs so there might be some minor
errors,some enhancements in application which we can find by
negative testing also,and most probably there will be few
errors for which we don't have written test case.

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 0 No

You're in the execution phase and after executing many test're not able to fi..

Answer / nick

Negative test cases, compatibility with other browsers etc - these will be part of our test cases. what else are we suppose to do? Test cases written would already cover these scenarios, right?

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You're in the execution phase and after executing many test're not able to fi..

Answer / ravi chandran

Though the test cases written will not cover 100 percent
scenarios (will never happen in any software
products/projects), we need to sit with Business Analyst to
rephrase the test cases or to identify few more scenarios.
Adding inputs from domain experts will be more valued in
this case. Get customer scenarios and try to analyze.

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You're in the execution phase and after executing many test're not able to fi..

Answer / ankur

its Pesticide Paradox, we have to new test cases of modify existing test cases, 

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You're in the execution phase and after executing many test're not able to fi..

Answer / ron

Monkey Testing

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You're in the execution phase and after executing many test're not able to fi..

Answer / astha

then first thing ,I've to finish testing according to plan.then i'll go for exploratory testing.I mean I'll analyze the application once again & make new test cases for the features which haven't tested or the new ways of inputs we can give for old tests.

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