How do you stop a running process?

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How do you stop a running process?..

Answer / sridhar

kill -0(or 9) pid
kill -9 1234 ( get this pid using ps -ef | grep
processname ")

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How do you stop a running process?..

Answer / ravikumar reddy .dubba

all the above Ans for Killing the process ,Not for stoping

This is correct ans for stoping process

while processing is running type ctrl+z
it will stop the process and it will give stopped process

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How do you stop a running process?..

Answer / deepa


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How do you stop a running process?..

Answer / kiruthiga,s


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How do you stop a running process?..

Answer / pradi

We can stop the running processes in unix using

1) Kill command
2) Udw command


1)bash# Kill process_id

will stop the process and immedaitely it will restarts on
its own with a new pid.

2)bash# udw process: process_name

will stops the running process. And again we want to
restart it then issue the command

bash# udw process: process_name t

will restarts the process.

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How do you stop a running process?..

Answer / subbareddy kake

kill -9 <PID>

PID means process id.we can process id by using ls -lrt

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How do you stop a running process?..

Answer / c sivakumar

If we want to kill a process first we have to know the
process id. We cam come to know ps or top command.
Then we have to identify the respective proce's child
process with the help of ptree command. Then we can give
kill id-1 id-2

example:- Take an example while using ps command

# ps
2243 pts/16 S 0:00 -csh

now we identified the PID no (2243) with the help of above
said ps command.

Then we have to give following command to know child

ptree 2243

1498 /usr/local/sbin/sshd
2062 /usr/local/sbin/sshd
2199 /usr/local/sbin/sshd
2205 -csh
2243 -csh
11535 ptree 2243

Now we can kill above said all ids.

kill 1498 2062 2199 2205 2243 11535

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