1. What is CPU?
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Hi I have done my bachelors in mechatronics engineering and PG diploma in industrial automation having 2 years of experience as electrical & instrumentation engineer in a ltd company I need to know for what all technical certification can I go for
Would you say me, selecting mechatronics engineering will be useful to my career in this present society?
Explain the difference between plc and logic card?
What is power supply transformer?
in ranking cycle why steam is condenset in condensor
compressure out put air is heat or cool?
What is static characteristics of instruments?
Would you say me selecting Mechatronics Engineering will be useful to my career in this present society? Request:i am eagerly waiting for your reply.
What Is The Formula For Thermal Capacitance?
What is the design of mechatronics system used in washing machines?
What Is A Closed Loop Control System?
Differentiate between open loop and close loop control?