Wages posted twice what is the entry for that?
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Answer / sridhar.s
Posting of wages twice can be rectify as follows.
Wages A/c. Dr. XXX
To Cash A/c. Cr. XX
(payment of wages through cash)
For Rectification
Cash A/c. Dr. XXX
To Wages Cr. XXX
(wrongly posted wages entry is rectified)
Is This Answer Correct ? | 21 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / biswajit kolay
Posting of wages twice can be rectify as follows.
Wages A/c. Dr. XXXX
To Cash A/c. Cr. XXXX
(payment of wages through cash)
For Rectification
Wages Posted Twice A/c Dr XX
to Wages A/c Cr.XX
Cash A/c. Dr. XX
To Wages Posted Twice A/c Cr. XX
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 9 No |
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