after migrating the dts packg to ssis by using migrtn wizrd in
2005. iam not able to open ssis pack and getting error. what r
those errors? how to resolve?
How will you optimize a stored procedure optimization?
How to get a list all databases on the sql server?
What are the advantages of policy management?
query processing
How to transfer data from a cursor to variables with a "fetch" statement?
What is the difference between getdate and sysdatetime?
What are the differences between left join and inner join in sql server?
What are the parts of a function?
What is a Join in SQL Server?
What is the difference between a fill factor of 100 and 0?
Explain how to use linked server?
What is database normalization?
7 Answers Deloitte, Digicel, JPMorgan Chase, Verifone,