What are the environment variables?
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Answer / uday
Environmental variables are useful when parameters defined
in different actions accessible through out the test.
These are also useful to get system, test and other
information like OS, TestName etc...
Two types of environment variables:
1. Build-In Env: ex: TestName, OS name,Iteration name,
action name etc.
2A. User defined Internal: These variables are read-write
vars. We can give a var name and value.
2B. User defined External: These variables are read only,
loaded from external xml file.(This is useful in localizing
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Answer / sri
Environment Variables are those variables which can be used
globally across the test(s). There are two types of
Environment variables:
1. Built in Variables
2. User Defined Variables.
For more details, please have a look at:
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Answer / sonal.pagare
Environment variables are the special variables which stores
information about the test/application’s environment.
Throughout the test run, the value of an environment
variable remains the same, regardless of the number of
iterations, unless we change the value of the variable
programmatically in your script
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