11. What is the use of allocate()?
What is meant header and tailer, suppose header and tailer had some junk data how will delete junk data ? which components r used?
What is the function you would use to transfer a string into a decimal?
. How can you get all the fields form a lookup files ? (Which function)
What are differences between different gde versions(1.10,1.11,1.12,1.13and 1.15)?
What is $mpjret?
why Skew should always be 0 ? How to use in abinitio graph?
Give one reason when you need to consider multiple data processing?
How we can remove temp files of a failed job if .rec is not available ? How to use in abinitio graph?
You can ask about different vector functions. How to use in abinitio graph?
How can we RUN a graph in UNIX?
What is standard environment ? How to use in abinitio graph?
What are the types of data processing you are familiar with?