How do u write test cases?
what is rediffine clause?in what situation it can use?give me real time example?
sample code for read a 2nd record from last in flatfile how can do?
what is the difference between Normal vaiable and comp variable.
What is the difference between comp and comp-3 usage? Explain other COBOL usage?s.
What is level 66 used for ?
How many bytes will be allocated for the following record description entries? 01 REC-A. 05 A PIC S9(4). 05 B PIC XXXBXXX. 05 C PIC ____9.99. 05 D PIC S9(5) COMP-3. 05 E PIC 9(3) COMP.
16 Answers IBM, TCS,
What is the Importance of GLOBAL clause According to new standards of COBOL?
How many sections are there in data division in COBOL?
I have two sequential files, FILE-1 and FILE-2. FILE-1 contains 2 columns(A,B) and FILE-2 contains 3 columns (C,D,E).I want an output file, FILE-3 which has all five columns with duplicates eliminated from column A.
What is the default value of DISP for temp datasets
How to delete the records of a dataset through cobol programme?We should not use jcl utilitities like IDCAMS.
what is internal sort and external sort ? which is preferable ?