Which tree types is NOT supported in the PeopleSoft tree
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Explain change assistant?
What is distributed managed server definition in weblogic server?
All the application servers in production environment have reached a threshold. How would you configure a new application server so that the web server is not bounced?
How would you connect as a tier in application designer?
The Security Administrator is not available. You are in a hurry to grant a user the ability to start an application server, and you decide to make the change in the actual application server configuration file, rather than using the Security Administrator. Referring to the above information, how would you grant a user the ability to start an application server using the application server configuration file, PSAPPSRV.CFG?
Do you know what is the purpose of state records?
What views available in Application Designer project workspace?
what could be the reason when CPU utilization is high when no load on app server? a. unidentified memory leakage in the server b. more psappsrv processes in the app server c. File system is full d. all of the above
What is single server definition in weblogic server?
What is psadmin in peoplesoft?
What event gets fired after DB Update?
Given ma a sql statement, if you have been asked to check the right syntax?