What is the difference between static and dynamic testing?

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What is the difference between static and dynamic testing?..

Answer / sonal.pagare

Static testing is nothing but verification process in which
without using computer we execute the specification
documents to check whether the product meets the
specification or not.

e.g. inspection, reviews etc..

Dynamic testing is nothing but validation process in which
by using computer we execute the
product/software/application to check whether the product
meets the user requirements or not.

e.g. unit testing, integration testing etc..

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What is the difference between static and dynamic testing?..

Answer / pallavi

Static testing : It is a type of testing in which one will
perform testing on the application or its related factors
without doing any action.

Dynamic testing: It is a type of testing in which one will
perform testing on the aplication or its related factors by
performing some actions.

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What is the difference between static and dynamic testing?..

Answer / balakiranm

Static Testing: Testing is conducted without executing the program.
Dynamic Testing: Testing is conducted by executing the program give input data & validate the output.

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What is the difference between static and dynamic testing?..

Answer / sridhar

Static Testing : Static testing wil be done intial stage of
the project or else in other words before the coding phase
Dynamic Testing : Dynamic testing wil be done once the
coding phase has been freezed.

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What is the difference between static and dynamic testing?..

Answer / yasin tamboli

Static testing is verification testing technique where we test the requirement doc and design doc prior to software being developed i.e. testing without giving any i/p.
Testing is done before code developed.
This done during analysis and design phase using reviews techniques.
It is about prevention.
Main objective of Static testing is to improve the quality of software product by finding errors in early stages of development cycle.
Also known as ‘Non execution testing’ or ‘Verification Testing’.

Dynamic testing is validation testing where we test the developed software i.e. testing with i/p and checking the expected results.
Testing is done after code developed.
This testing done by white box testing or black box testing.
It is about Cure.
Main Objective Dynamic testing Software product work as per business requirements.
Also known as ‘Execution Testing’ or ‘Validation Testing’.

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What is the difference between static and dynamic testing?..

Answer / a.s.sudeeptheja

In terms of software develpment life cycle which includes
both testers and developers.
Static testing in sense of
completley reveiw of each and every term of an application
terms of standrad testing which in terms of unit
testing(white box testing),intergral
testing(blackboxtesting),user acceptance testing(blackbox
testing) and then relase & maintance of an given application

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What is the difference between static and dynamic testing?..

Answer / sridhar

Static Testing : Static testing wil be done intial stage of
the project or else in other words before the coding phase
In static testing we wil be writing test cases & test

Dynamic Testing : Dynamic testing wil be done once the
coding phase has been freezed.
In Dynamic testing we wil be executing test cases

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