Diff between web table ,datatable and data base (QTP)

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Diff between web table ,datatable and data base (QTP)..

Answer / manisha

In Data table all the rows has equal number of columns.
ex.:-there are 3 rows and 5 columns.then each row has same 5

In Web table number of columns may not be equal for the
ex:- there are 3 rows .each row has n number of columns
1st row can have 2 columns
2nd row can have 5 columns
3rd row can have n columns.

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Diff between web table ,datatable and data base (QTP)..

Answer / manisha

In Data table all the rows has equal number of columns.
ex.:-there are 3 rows and 5 columns.then each row has same 5

In Web table number of columns may not be equal for the
ex:- there are 3 rows .each row has n number of columns
1st row can have 2 columns
2nd row can have 5 columns
3rd row can have n columns.

Where as Database is the collection of tables.it can have n
number of tables of different scenarios(purpose).

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