how to reverse a string with out using string or predefined
function,ex:string is " i love india". the output should be
like this "i evol aidni"
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str=" i love india"
StrSpl = Split(str," ")
For j = 0 to Ubound(StrSpl)
result1 = result1 & " " & ReverseStr1(StrSpl(j))
msgbox result1
Function ReverseStr1(Str1)
For i = 1 to Len(Str1)
ReverseStr1 = mid(Str1,i,1) & ReverseStr1
End Function
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Answer / lak
str=" i love india"
Set regExpObj=new RegExp
regExpObj.pattern="[a-z A-Z]"
Set matches=regExpObj.execute(str)
For each letter in matches
msgbox result
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