is Motorola GSM Duplexer active or passive device?
what is PTP radio and PMP radio? give me elaborate description...plz
i want to know some description about SIM architecture... what is inside the SIM?
In Atomic structure, is there any chance of attracting the electrons sorrounded by the nucleus, if it is possible can u explain that concept?
Why should an electronics and communication engg. student should join TCS?
what is trimmercapacitance
What are the uses of memristor?
Although zener diode is operated in the reverse breakdown region, but it does not burn. Why?
what is leadership
Which number system is used in analysing and programming of microprocessors?
By cascading LPF and HPF active filter, the resulting circuit is A BPF B Narrow BPF C Wide BPF D All of these
The function of a transistor used in any of the ics is to perform switching action and not amplification. Then why diodes are not used instead of transistors as diodes also exhibit the same switching action?
What are the types of commutation?