my name is mohan. I am working as a manual tester.. And now
i want learn QTP.. is there any online websites to learn QTP
for free
if u know any plz help me out..,.or send mail to
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Answer / sajjat nobel
Hi this is sajjat nobel(www.nobel4tech.com), You can go to
guru99.com for QTP video tutorial.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / crp234
if u r in hyderabad,buy SRSS Material for QTP. IT is very
useful to learn urself.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 2 No |
What’s the basic concept of QTP?
Hi, I have weblist which contains the data like Design change,admin edit and cost saving etc.. User doesn't know the values existed in weblist. Now the user has to select the right value from the list otherwise the test will fail. Pls help me "To select the correct value from the list"
Scenario:2 combo boxes.1st combo contains a,b,c,d.2nd combo contains 10..20,20..30,30..40,.Selecting 'a' shld display 10...20,'b' shld display 20..30.. and so on.tell d script? 2.Random testing of 500 test cases in qtp?
How to find RAM size by using QTP?
How can you exit from an action?
Use of environment variables?
how to write scripts in QTP?
How often were they executed?
What are the versions of qtp,What are the differences b/n them?
can i login a page by giving username and password and click on ok button through database parameterization.and if its yes then please write the code of that
How do u connect database through QTP tell me both Ms Access and SQL