what is inline view?

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what is inline view?..

Answer / anil_abbireddy

A query is written at the from clause of an another query
is called inline view.

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what is inline view?..

Answer / madhavi

An inline view is a subquery with an alias. It can be used
in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement. An inline view
defines a data source for the SELECT statement in which it
is defined. The columns specified in an inline view can be
accessed in the same way as the columns of a table or view.

Is This Answer Correct ?    38 Yes 6 No

what is inline view?..

Answer / deva

The inline view is a named subquery where the inputs for
the query depends on the values provided by the outer
query. The values will be provided in every run of the

Is This Answer Correct ?    53 Yes 26 No

what is inline view?..

Answer / inna

An inline view is a subquery with an alias (or correlation
name) that you can use within a SQL statement.
A named subquery in the FROM clause of the main query is an
example of an inline view.
An inline view is not a schema object.

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 5 No

what is inline view?..

Answer / karthik

The inline view is a construct in Oracle SQL where you can
place a query in the SQL FROM, clause, just as if the query
was a table name.

A common use for in-line views in Oracle SQL is to simplify
complex queries by removing join operations and condensing
several separate queries into a single query.

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what is inline view?..

Answer / roop

inline view is the named subquery in the FROM cause of the
main query.

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what is inline view?..

Answer / alekhya

if we write a select query in from clause then it is called
as inlineview

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what is inline view?..

Answer / neha

Writing a select statement in from clause is called an inline view.

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what is inline view?..

Answer / suresh.pathuri

It is the select stataement in the from clause of the another select statement .it used simplyfy the complex queries and removing the many join operations on the table.
this type
select * from(select rownum from emp order by rownum desc) suresh where rownum<=5;

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what is inline view?..

Answer / lakshmi

A named subquery in the from clause of main query is an example of inline view.
syntax:select * from (subquery)

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