What is Fastly Changing Dimension?

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What is Fastly Changing Dimension?..

Answer / vijaya

usually in almost all projects have customer dimension which
is fast growing dimension .

The fast changing dimensions which changes frequently.

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What is Fastly Changing Dimension?..

Answer / venu

The Entities in the Dimention which are change rapidly is
called Rapidly(fastly) changing dimention. best example is
atm machine transactions

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What is Fastly Changing Dimension?..

Answer / prince

Hi Venu, The definition you said for Fastly Changing Dimensions is true, but can you give one more example of a entity that changes frequently. Because ATM transactions will be loaded into FACT TABLE as that is a TRANSACTIONAL DATA but it is not loaded to DIMENSION TABLE.

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What is Fastly Changing Dimension?..

Answer / janaki ram


Is this right, i asked fastly changing dimension in DS

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What is Fastly Changing Dimension?..

Answer / nagam

If a dimension table single attribute or multiple attributes are changing fastly based upon a time is called fast changing dimension table.

Ex:shareholders data in a business

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What is Fastly Changing Dimension?..

Answer / alekhya

You can take 'age' of a customer as an example

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