if we have a 10 steps how to override the 4th step in jcl?
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Answer / parvatraj m bhuti
Code cond parameter
cond= (0,GT).. Thats all.
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A table has two indexes defined. Which one will be used by the SEARCH?
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What will happen if a variable is declared as below.. Explain with an example? Working storage section:- 01 WS-VARX PIC X(9) VALUE SPACES. 01 WS-VARN REDEFINES WS-VARX PIC 9(9).
SSRange is used to do a range check on which of the Following. SUBSCRIPT,INDEX,REFERENCE MODIFICATION,Run-time option.
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how can we fetch 3 records in cobol pgm any coding pls ?
The following entries appear in the WORKING-STORAGE SECTION: 01 DATE-TODAY. 05 YY PIC XX VALUE "90". 05 MM PIC XX VALUE "12". 05 DD PIC XX VALUE :31". 01 DATE-EDIT PIC XX/XX/XX. MOVE DATE-TODAY TO DATE-EDIT. (a) 901231 (b) 90/12/31 (c) 31/12/90 (d) 311290
Suppose a program has the following code. What will be the output? MAIN-PARA. DISPLAY 'MAIN-PARA' PERFORM SECTION-A. STOP RUN. SECTION-A. PARA-A1. DISPLAY 'SECTION A PARA A1'. PARA-A2. DISPLAY 'SECTION A PARA A2'.
i have a variable block which is used in my cobol program as input file having records of 4080 after compilation while runing the program im getiing file attribut mismatch and it is saying tht the record length of the file is 4084 can any one knw the answer how to reslove it ?
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