I have 100 records in a file.. i want to sort the records from
5 to 5o... give the syntax...

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I have 100 records in a file.. i want to sort the records from 5 to 5o... give the syntax.....

Answer / seema dawlekar

This can be done in two steps
in the step1 copy the the selective records by giving the
syntax as
skiprec = 4 -
stopaft = 50

this will copy only the selected records, now in the step2
we can perform sort
syntax is
sort fields=(starting position,length,type,A/D)
A--ascending and D--descending order

correct me if I am wrong

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I have 100 records in a file.. i want to sort the records from 5 to 5o... give the syntax.....

Answer / anand

Follow the workaround below,
1.split the file into 3 files using IDCAMS
file1 1-4
file2 5-50
file3 51-100

2.Sort the mid file file2.

3.Finally merge all the 3 files using concatenation.

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