Describe different job scheduling in operating systems.

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Describe different job scheduling in operating systems...

Answer / sravan reddy

1)Pre-emptive:- forcibly removing a process from its running
state to avoid starvation so that shorter jobs also get a
time slice for execution.
jobs cannot be pre-empted unless they complete their job.
3)Priority based:-
suppose we have more than one job and each job is having its
own priority then the job having highest priority gets
executed first..
4)Priority Inversion:-
In this method we can change the priority of the current
executing process
5)Round-robin:-round-robin policy is a method in which every
process gets its time slice..
after executing a process for certain time slice..if the job
is not completed in that time it will be thrown into waiting
state and the next job gets the timeslice and will be
executed..and the process that was in waiting state will get
processor time after the remaining processes are completed..
6)First In First Out(FIFO)
First Cum First Serviced(FCFS):-Name itself indicates that
whatever the job came first will be executed first..
there is a queue called Job queue which has a record of all
the jobs to be executed and using FIFO each job gets out of
that queue and executed as a queue..
7)Interrupt based:-
Interrupts have high prority than any other process..
so they will be executed first..

inorder to understand all the things i explained..First get
the information about the process states..How jobs will be
Executed?what is ready queue?what is context switching? etc

Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 1 No

Describe different job scheduling in operating systems...

Answer / kwrtos

First the rationale to have a sophisticated job scheduling
mechanism is a demand of multi-tasking system where multiple
jobs compete for their execution time-slots. Each of
job-scheduling policies then also shines with particular
scenarios depending on what the goal the system attempts to
achieve. Priority-based scheduling is to give a process CPU
usage upon its prioirty at any given time. First-Come-First
Serve, aka FIFO, scheduling operates as it means.
Round-robin then allows each process receive frequent time
slots of CPU usage. Dynamic priority adjusts its priority
upon the resource use and type of operations, allowing
frequent priority and time-quantum modifications.
Shortest-remaining-time scheduling then utilizes the
feedback among processes to give the shortest task more
chances to complete its task than others.

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 8 No

Describe different job scheduling in operating systems...

Answer / neil

the different types of Scheduling Algorithms are
1). Priority Based
- Preemptive
- Non Preemptive
2). Shortest Job First
- Preemptive
- Non Premmptive
3). First Come First Served

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 3 No

Describe different job scheduling in operating systems...

Answer / senthil

Non preemptive
Round robin

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 6 No

Describe different job scheduling in operating systems...

Answer / sushil

it's like many part
1:-first come, first- served scheduling.
2:-shortest-job- first scheduling.
Tn+1=&Tn+(1-&)Tn this fomula define an exponential average.
3:-priority scheduling
4:-round-robin scheduling.
5:-mutlilevel queue scheduling
6:-multilevel feedback-queue scheduling.

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 1 No

Describe different job scheduling in operating systems...

Answer / manoj k gupta

Ans4 looks close. There has to be one more type..4)Round
Non-Preemptive and Preemptive are the types of kernel.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 2 No

Describe different job scheduling in operating systems...

Answer / shikha gangwar

Scheduling is the activity of the deciding when process
will receive the resources they request.
FCFS: --- FCSFS stands for First Come First Served. In FCFS
the job that has been waiting the longest is served next.
Round Robin Scheduling: ---Round Robin scheduling is a
scheduling method where each process gets a small quantity
of time to run and then it is preempted and the next
process gets to run. This is called time-sharing and gives
the effect of all the processes running at the same time
Shortest Job First: -- The Shortest job First scheduling
algorithm is a nonpreemptive scheduling algorithm that
chooses the job that will execute the shortest amount of
Priority Scheduling: ---Priority scheduling is a scheduling
method where at all times the highest priority process is
assigned the resource.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

Describe different job scheduling in operating systems...

Answer / veeru

1.End less loop-
the code is executes continuesly and is imilar to a end
less while loop like while(1).
2. Continues polling
This is similar to the end less loop and the difference
is that end loop loop will have small code and this will
have a huge code or tasks
3. Timer Continues scheduling
this is consists of different tasks and the RTOS uses a
timer interrupt which will be rised witha particular
interval of time. the disadvantage is the precesion
4. different rate timer continues scheduling
this is similar to the timer continues scheduling, but
it will have timer interrupts with different rates .
5. Premeptive scheduling
6. Priority based scheduling

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

Describe different job scheduling in operating systems...

Answer / karthik

First Come First Serve(FCFS)
Round Roubin scheduling

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 5 No

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