How you count the number of records available at your source?
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Answer / saritha
craete a dummy table create table abc(source_name varchar2
(10),count number);
write a sp create or replace prod name
select count(*) into v1 from table name
insert into abc ( 'dvhadvav',v1);
import that sp in the maping and slecte the pro as sorce
pre load.
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supose if ur scr table contains alphanumeric values like 1,2,3,a,v,c in one columen like c1 n now u have load d data in 2 seperare columns like ID should contain only numbers 1,2,3 n NAME col should contain a,b,cin target?How
in my source table one of column contains the data like,, these records i need to send in target table as below format. vishnuraju,suresh,krishna
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i have source as Column1 101 a 101 b 101 c so i want to load target as column1 ---> 101 abc
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