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Answer / sumon kashem
In my last project the bug life cycle that i followed was
new-open-assign-verify in QA-verified-staging-closed
As a QA tester whenever i find a defect i always try to reproduce it and if its a valid bug i then logged in the defect in defect section of quality center in my last project. After filling up the key elements in defect section of qc with the status of the bug New, i then send it to my QA Lead. My QA lead checks the defect and if its not a duplicated defect then he put the status open and send it to dev lead. Then dev lead assigns the defect to developer by putting the status assign. Once developer fixes the defect he then put the status verify in qa and send it back to me. Once i retest the defect by doing regression testing i then put the status of the defect verified. Then it went to staging environment and once it was cleared and valid from staging environment then my QA Lead closed the defect.
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Answer / chaitanya1987
if defect is found,it will set as NEW then send to
development depot
else stop testing
if developer feels that it a defect,developer will OPENS the
defect,rectifies set it as FIXED and will send it to the
testing depot
if HOLDS,clarifies in meeting,
tester will either CLOSED or will REOPEN and again send
it to developer.
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