on how many columns we can perform aggregation in the
aggregator stage?
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What are the important features of datastage?
wt is the diff b/w odbc and oracle stage
my source is sequencial file and my target is dataset. i am running the job in two node configuration file. my source having 10 records how the data move to target?
How to read multiple files at different directories using a single Sequential File stage in DS Enterprise Edition
How to manage date conversion in Datastage?
Display all files which have size more 3KB in given directory/folder.
how many datamarts we will use in real time project and when will use the datamart?pls send the replay early
What is the difference between the local container and shared container?
what is Audit table?Have u use audit table in ur project?
file1 1 2 3 4 file2 3 4 5 6 output should be in three targets T1 T2 T3 1 3 5 2 4 6 how to do this? can any one help? Thanks
Hi I have scenario like this s/r table T/r table ename,sal empno,ename,sal vijay,2000 1 , vijay, 2000 kumar,3000 2 ,kumar , 3000 ravi ,4000 3 ,ravi , 4000 How can i get target table like that without using Transformer stage?
What are the different kinds of views available in a datastage director?