what is the channel capacity of a band-limited gaussian
is it is blog2(1+s/n) or not? if not what?
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Difference in NS and TIA type HRC fuses
What is the key element of Defect Report and Test case format?
what are the difference between grounding,earthing and neutral???????....
postfix expression for x^y^z-m+n+p/q ?
what are basic step involved in embedded system software development?
is there eligible for computer science engg students to write exams and how much percentage we want to attempt exam based on degree
I have attended offcampus conducted by polaris chennai.And i have cleared all rounds on 10th June 2014.They collected all my marksheet xerox and address proof and said that they will send me offer letter in 3 days.. But more than 15days passed but still i didnt receive any information. I am lot depend on this offer... so when can i expect offer letter?? will they surely send me offer letter?
funtionalities of loadining and linking
what are the things to be mentioned for the question "Tell me about yourself??
What is STP
What is the win speed velocity of the swallow?
what is difference between candidate key and alternate key