lines(1,cancel)??What is meant by that??Plz explain it....
Answer / deepak_developer
hi friends ur waiting time is over. i will give you answer
of question.
Actually lines is a parameter used in job card.
it limits the maximum output will be written to spool.
its general syntax is LINES=({nnnnnn{,CANCEL|DUMP|WARNING})
where nnnnnn=0 to 999999
when we use 1 its means 1000 bytes will be written to
output spool.
it also have other parameter cancel, dump, warning.
i am telling you in short.
when is limit is reached, one of them handles the situation.
like in our question
lines(1, cancel) means when limit of 1000 bytes will be
reached, job will be canceled.
same if we will use dump, then job is cancel and a dump will
be created,
same in case of warning, job still continue bt when limit
will be crossed a warning message will be issued to operator.
in our question when 1000 bytes will be crossed then job
will be canceled...
for more info.
follow this link..
Deepak kumar(mainframe developer)
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