What is a binary semaphore? What is its use?

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What is a binary semaphore? What is its use?..

Answer / v.vijayakumar

A binary semaphore is one, which takes only 0 and 1 as
values. They are used to implement mutual exclusion and
synchronize concurrent processes

Is This Answer Correct ?    74 Yes 12 No

What is a binary semaphore? What is its use?..

Answer / usha

Binary semaphore has two values 0 and 1. It can be used for
guarding critical section and also for guarding single
resource. Semaphore value 1 indicates, resource is
available, 0 means it is not available.

Is This Answer Correct ?    24 Yes 3 No

What is a binary semaphore? What is its use?..

Answer / kulbir kaur

semaphores that are initialized to 1 and are used by two or
more processes to ensure that only one of them can enter its
critial region at a time are called binary semaphore.

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 3 No

What is a binary semaphore? What is its use?..

Answer / ashaa

The semaphore discussed previously is called a counting sempahore. Another kind of semaphore is the binary semaphore; This is exactly like a counting semaphore except for the following:
the semaphore value is restricted to 0 and 1.
P succeeds only when the semaphore value is 1.
V does not change the semaphore value when it is 1. (Thus successive Vs are lost.)

Binary semaphores are sometimes easier to implement. than counting semaphores. We will not describe implementations of binary semaphores in terms of low-level or OS constructs (these would be similar to the implementations of counting semaphores). Instead we show how counting semaphores can be implemented by binary semaphores, which demonstrates that binary sempahores are as powerful as counting semaphores.
Convention: Unless otherwise mentioned, a semaphore is to be interpreted as a counting semaphore.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

What is a binary semaphore? What is its use?..

Answer / anjana sharma

Has value 0 or 1 ,used by different to have an acess to
critical region of a process.

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 9 No

What is a binary semaphore? What is its use?..

Answer / noel

Binary semaphore has two values 0 and 1. It can be used for
guarding critical section and also for guarding single
resource. Semaphore value 1 indicates, resource is
available, 0 means it is not available.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

What is a binary semaphore? What is its use?..

Answer / pradeep_deepu

Another interpretation is semaphore means number of
resources available. Here , binary means two resources are
It is used for synchronization by application of mutual
exclusion principle.(ex. Allowing only one resource to
access the contents)

Is This Answer Correct ?    21 Yes 30 No

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