There are 9 coins. Out of which one is odd one i.e weight is less or more. How many iterations of weighing are required to find odd coin?
6 36584The element being searched for is not found in an array of 100 elements. What is the average number of comparisons needed in a sequential search to determine that the element is not there, if the elements are completely unordered?
11 33364Is it passive or active when check and uncheck the box of DISTINCT in Sorter transformation? why?
6 15591At a particular time, the value of a counting semaphore is will become 7 after (a) 3 v operation (b)3 p operation (c) 5 v operation and 2 p operation (d)13 p operation and 10 v operation
2 12176please tell me debit credi entry , in respect of salary advance and how to deduct,advance paid to employee
6 9242Post New Morgan Stanley Interview Questions
Explain sql queries on ps_staff table?
What is the quantity of metal 1 & metal 2 to be used in 100 cft concrete?
How would you access a variable of the first host in a group?
What is ceil and floor in oracle?
What are the different types of view?
Can I merge two cells and keep both data?
What does resource adapt module contain?
What are the several dijit layout widgets?
C. Normalize the following data up to the 3rd Normal form. Create the tables and insert the data given. Emp_ID Name Dept_Name Salary Course_Title Date_Completed 100 Adam Marketing 48,000 SPSS 6/19/2008 Surveys 10/7/2008 140 Bob Accounting 52,000 Tax Acc 12/8/2008 110 Cathy IT SQL Server 1/12/2008 C# 4/22/2008 190 Dan Finance 150 Emily Marketing 55,000 SPSS 6/16/2008 42,000 Analysis 8/12/2008 Queries 1. Find all Names who have completed the SPSS Course. 2. Find employee with max salary. 3. Find employee with 2nd max salary. 4. Find all employees in Dept “Marketing”. 5. Find all the employees who have taken more than 2 courses. 6. Find all the employees who have completed the courses before month of September.
At high frequencies, what is the type of noise that becomes of great importance. Explain the use of a delayed ECG?
What are the three main parts of a spreadsheet?
with how many valves does tomcat configured with?
What is the function of thymus?
What is reference c#?
Suppose I have a view with form applet on the top and list applet at the bottom.there is "score" field in the list to display the totals of score in form applet?