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how do we calculate physical address if logical address is given in the question?
a particle moving in a straight line with constant acceleration has a velocity of 8m/s at one instant and 3 seconds later it has a velocity of 2m/s.find its acceleration.
when does the official confirmation or the offer letter for the 2012 selected candidates of HUAWEI will come??
what is memory interface????
void main() { int i=5; printf(“%d”,++i++) }
why turbine vacuum breaker open in blackout
what is difference between class and object in c++
Derive the equation that links voltage, charge and capacitance.
Hai friends this is Dara s. solanki, i done in B.Sc.(IT) i have an 2.3 years of exp in Manufacturing company in MIS giving support in SAP , 1 year back i did Sap course In MM Module. am trying from the day one to enter into the sap field but i was not.i kindly requesting all, please suggest me how to enter in to the SAP field. Looking for a job . i please help me and having any thing please let me know . i am in bangalore. my mail id is 8431455753
main() { int a=10,b; b=a>=5?100:200; printf("%d\n",b); }
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