What is Rates and Taxes?
Taxare two types 1.Direct Tax 2.Indirect Tax.
Direcet Tax Applicable on direct Income,Direct Tax Slab : 0-
160000 is Nil, 160001 to 500000 is 10%, 500001 to 800000
is 20%, 800001 & above 30%. in case of Female the up to
190000 is nil and incase of Sr.Citizen up to 240000 is nil.
Indriect Tax is not applicable direct income, indirect are
like sales tax, service tax, central excise, octrai etc.
these are indirectly we are paying the tax.
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Write entry for interest receivable from bank Rs. 15000 TDS 2250.
26 Answers Datamatics, Kalash Commodity, Overnite Express,
I renders interior Services, consider one project cost Rs.500000/- Scenario 1 - Material purchased on my Firm Name Material - 300000 - 0 On party behalf Labour - 200000 -150000 My expenses for Labour Contracts Profit - 50000 My Profit Scenario 2 - Material purchased by client Labour - 200000 -150000 My expenses for Labour Contracts Profit - 50000 My Profit In both Profit is same Rs. 50000/-. which is beneficial for me in terms of turnover or tax matters. and if I have to raise a bill to party as per both scenario, how it will affect bill and tax, where will I suffer loss?
Please tell me who is lible to pay service tax - give category & limit turnover
what is the amount of t.d.s if one get 4000/- monthly from a company on behalf of consultancy charges.
What is TDS ? What is the TDS Rate as per new accounting period 2008 - 2009
16 Answers Accounting, InfoCepts, Karthik Industries, Quality Tea Plantations, Syntel,
How TDS Is Calculated
Form C can be issued for final ( gross ) value OR cost of the material + excise value only ?
this is regarding the C form. suppose Mr A registered dealer in Haryana and Mr B registered dealer in UP and Mr A issue a Purchase Order which include 4% CST on Price to Mr B for purchasing the goods. In this scenario, is Mr A is required to issue the Form C to Mr B?
in a company, if employee contributing To PF equal to employer contribution. can he voluntarily stop his contribution while he is in service with that company?