what is the difference between name property and caption
property in visual basic?

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what is the difference between name property and caption property in visual basic?..

Answer / ashish

name property tells about the visual basic tool used while
caption property display the user input type/name.

Is This Answer Correct ?    76 Yes 28 No

what is the difference between name property and caption property in visual basic?..

Answer / pradeep kushwaha

caption property used for showing the lable of the control
and the name property is used as a identity of control in a
programm.name property is participate in process of excute
to event of specific control in a program

Is This Answer Correct ?    45 Yes 13 No

what is the difference between name property and caption property in visual basic?..

Answer / shreya sondur

name property is used to identify the objects or controls
placed on the form and the caption property is used to
display some label on that control.

Is This Answer Correct ?    39 Yes 9 No

what is the difference between name property and caption property in visual basic?..

Answer / pratibha soni

caption property is used for showing lable of control to user...and name property is used for system for identify the control.

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 4 No

what is the difference between name property and caption property in visual basic?..

Answer / bhart

name property tells about the form name with vich it is stored under the current project...where as cation is used for the the form vich is in front of us on vich we r working on...

Is This Answer Correct ?    28 Yes 15 No

what is the difference between name property and caption property in visual basic?..

Answer / yuvaraja sengodan

Main difference between 'Name' property and 'Caption'
property is, the 'Name' property value can not be changed
at run-time and the 'Caption' property value can be changed
at run-time.

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 2 No

what is the difference between name property and caption property in visual basic?..

Answer / vamshi

caption of a control is the one which is displayed on the
control but name is the property by which events of that
control can be called in coding window

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 7 No

what is the difference between name property and caption property in visual basic?..

Answer / sarhang

Answer 1: Name property tells about the visual basic tool used while caption property display the user input type/name.

Answer 2: Name property tells about the form name with vich it is stored under the current project…where as cation is used for the the form vich is in front of us on vich we r working on…

Answer 3: Caption property used for showing the lable of the control and the name property is used as a identity of control in a programm.name property is participate in process of excute to event of specific control in a program

Answer 4: Name property is used to identify the objects or controls placed on the form and the caption property is used to display some label on that control.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 4 No

what is the difference between name property and caption property in visual basic?..

Answer / saurav

'Name' property tells about the form name while
'Caption' property display the user input type.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

what is the difference between name property and caption property in visual basic?..

Answer / rohit parbat

in the name : you. Give the name that thode you.use In the project at the time of coding of project.
and caption is use for the display the use text .
like label having name and cation property .
you use the caption is user name.
and name is uname.
than caption is name is display the user name for . label and name this property is use like .
uname.caption="this label"
by using this code use chand the label text.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 5 No

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