When a router knows the IP address, but does not know the MAC
address of
the device it wishes to contact, it uses the ARP (Address
protocol) to determine the MAC address. After it learns the
MAC address,
it stores this information in the ARP cache. What is the
command to view
the ARP cache?
A.) sh mac
B.) show cache
C.) show arp
D.) sh arp interfaces
E.) show ip cache
Answers were Sorted based on User's Feedback
Identify IPX GNS and it's purpose? A.) Go Network Server - sends a print job to a network server B.) Get Nearest Server - locate the nearest server C.) Guaranteed Network Services - allocates resources to users D.) Get Notes Server - locates Domino Server
Identify the 2 types of access-list filters that control SAP traffic? A.) Novell-ether B.) Arpa C.) Input-sap-filter D.) Round-robin E.) Output-sap-filter
How do you disable advanced editing? A.) terminal editing B.) terminal no editing C.) disable editing D.) no terminal editing
what is flow control,.
What is the syntax to add a banner to the Cisco router? A.) motd banner # B.) banner C.) banner motd # D.) banner #
What's the default CDP holdtime in seconds for Cisco routers? A.) 30 seconds B.) 180 seconds C.) 90 seconds D.) 60 seconds
Identify 3 UDP characteristics? A.) Reliable communication protocol B.) Applications that use UDP must incorporate reliability C.) Connnection-less oriented D.) Incorporates no handshaking
CSMA/CD stand for which of the following? A.) Carrier Sense, Multiple Access with Collision Detection B.) Collision Sense, Multiple Access with Collision Detection C.) Collision Sense, Multiple Access with Carrier Detection D.) Carrier Sense, MAC address with Collision Detection
Which three protocols are correctly matched to their transport layer functions? (Choose three) A. route selection IP B. sliding window UDP C. well known pods IP D. route validation ICMP E. connection oriented TCP F. three-way handshake TCP G. no sequence and acknowledgement UDP
Which of the following is an example of the Network Layer? A.) TCP B.) IP C.) SQL D.) Token Ring E.) LLC
Given an IP host address of and a shored mask of to which shored does the host belong? A. B. C. D. E.
Which IP host address range is allowable given an IP address of and 12 bits of subnetting A. to B. to C. to D. to E. to