can u tell me the why ADO does not support xml..

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can u tell me the why ADO does not support xml....

Answer / pavan kumar p

ADo does not support XML because its a Connected
Architecture. There is a great overhead when dealing with
Connected Architecture.

Where as ADO.Net supports XML. This contains DATASET which
is an ADO.NET object which is helpful for the XML support.

Nice Article is Available in the link below.


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can u tell me the why ADO does not support xml....

Answer / niloy roy

There is a lot of mythology surrounding ActiveX Data
Objects (ADO) and XML. ADO has supported XML since version
2.1. In general, this is a good thing, especially for
developers looking for better ways to reach out to the four
million programmers who use Visual Basic and who also
worship at the altar of the disconnected recordset.
However, simply supporting XML in your application is not
good enough because ADO uses a very stylized XML-based
vocabulary to perform its magic. The way ADO uses XML
allows ADO to interoperate with applications written in
programming languages such as Java, Perl, or Python and on
platforms such as Unix, Linux, and Apache. Yes, the
developer who uses Visual Basic can deal with arbitrary XML
using any number of XML parsers. However, morphing your XML
into the vocabulary of ADO makes it a no-brainer for any
typical application-focused programmer to access your
information with Visual Basic.

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