I need to have a price list for HP loadRunner tool
(Analysis, Controller, VU generator) for different number of
VU (for example 100 VU,200Vu ,500VU) for performing stress
testing. and if there is any mandatory support fees or
anything related. i know that companies might get discounts
but i need the standard price list as i am planning to
purchase the loadrunner but i need to know the price list
before ,which will be very helpful if anybody can help.
//Hint I need the protocol which contains Oracle web
application and Siebel-web i think which is Oracle
E-business protocol
I have generated a script and inserted the rendezous point in that. With the help of dev. we have a created script which tracks the execution of the request and the response on the server machine and shows on the cmd console. I have assigned 10 Vusers and started the execution, then while tracking on the server machine, the requests are assigned one by one on the server. According to the rendezous point, the requests has to hit at a time on the server, but in this case the request are hitting one by one on the server. Any one help me out......
What are the loadrunner testing process?
What do you mean by scalability, spike ,stress,load testing.
what is think time when u will use it?
When the rendezvous point is insert?
what is the exactly meening of web_reg_save_param?
What are the documents your using ,and how your distibute the users
How many types of graphs are available in loadrunner?
Diff btn silk Performer& Loadrunner?
What is remote command launcher?
If we have 10 iterations and 20 user, we have to execute 1 iteration by 2 users ... what are the steps for above ?
When do you disable log in Virtual User Generator, When do you choose standard and extended logs?