whitch value return void main?
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Why can't I perform arithmetic on a void* pointer?
What is the 'named constructor idiom'?
What is masking?
Why c is faster than c++?
Difference between strcpy() and memcpy() function?
what are the different storage classes in c?
main() { int a=5; printf(?%d,%d,%d\n?,a,a< <2,a>>2); } Answer: 5,20,1 please explain this code in detail
What is the difference between the = symbol and == symbol?
Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and prints it.
Write a program to identify if a given binary tree is balanced or not.
Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and prints it.
how should functions be apportioned among source files?