how to create our resume?
How to calculate the Quantity of Steel for Footing?
What is difference between FE-415 and FE-500???
what is the cement mortor thickness for 23 cm brick work and 11.5 brickwork?
How many bag of cement used in all type of RCC
How to calculate steel for a wall foundation form drwaing
what will be the weigth of 50 kg/sq cm and 30 kg/sq cm compressive strength solid concrete block of 200 mm ?
to draw bm diagrams for portal frames under different loadings//
what are the tests conducted on cement,aggregate and concrete?briefly explain that tests procedure and limits adopted for safety side.
Niti Aayog has recently chalked up an action to help India achieving _____ medals in 2024 summer Olympics after dismal performance in 2016 Rio Olympics? A)20 B)30 C) 40 D)50
What is the meaning of Fe415 ?
6 Answers Arul Constructions, L&T, SSM,
wat happens to the foundation when only live & dead loads are considered( wind load is excluded) during the design of tall structures. options are: a)only settlement in the internal structure and not external structure b)only settlement in the external structure and not internal structure c)no differential settlement d)none of the above
4 Answers BBJ Construction, IOCL,
What is a kip?